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Mertzon City Council July 1 2024

Green berries up close hanging from a tree.
The Texas Persimmon tree is common throughout Irion County and Mertzon. The fruit when green is extremely bitter; once it ripens and turns blue it is surprisingly bland tasting. Wild birds love them.


Below is the agenda for the July 1, 2024 meeting, with my agenda analysis and meeting analysis underneath.

  1. Agenda Analysis a. Roads and Right of Way: I've highlighted items 5 and 9, part of my City Gym series of posts, as yet another reminder that cities, including the City of Mertzon, have legal authority over how our streets are used. The Ibarra's at item 9 will be following through with earlier Council approved improvements to the right of way next to their home and adjacent to ICISD. For what it's worth, I recall the days when the only paved street around was 3rd Street. All students, teachers, and visitors parked along 3rd street back then. All of the parking and drainage issues the Ibarra's are currently addressing here are the consequence of decades of school growth…and the City of Mertzon passively allowing that growth without concern for private property rights. It’s a good thing when any private property owner gets protection from school growth, so long as all private property owners get equal protection. b. Tax Assessor Collector, item 6: Joyce Gray's office doesn't work for free. This contract will almost certainly be approved. She is the only game in town. c. Excessive water bill, item 7: The City has a longstanding practice of trying to help citizens out when their water bills skyrocket. This item is unique in that it describes what they are willing to entertain - averaging. (Don't show up to complain about an unknown leak and expect to get your water bill comp’ed.) d. Meter replacement, item 8: The Council has been evaluating for several months how to modernize and update its water meters. Electronic meters that can instantly alert for leaks are being considered.

A smallish Live Oak tree.
I'm clearing the undergrowth from this native Live Oak on one of my lots near the ICISD campus. My efforts at planting Live Oaks have all failed, but in the process I've found a number of native oaks like this one that need only modest efforts to thrive. My best guess, now with my hands on brush clearing work in the neighborhood, is that the ICISD campus back around 1909 when it was dedicated was thick with Live Oak trees. The very few that exist now are around 2nd Street and may be threatened by the drainage plans for the 2024 bonds.

2. Meeting Analysis: Here are the documents for this meeting. a. 4th of July Parade, Road closure, item 5: Joli McDowell and Brandi Whitlow appeared to request approval. The Council voted unanimously to close the streets for this annual event. The route can be found on page 2 of the meeting document. Details can be found on Facebook at Irion County News. b. Tax Assessor Contract, item 6: The Council approved a contract with Joyce Gray's office for the costs of collecting taxes. The fee is $629.00. The contract is on page 3 of the meeting documents, for those of you interested in intergovernmental contracting.

c. Excessive water bills for 2 residences, item 7: The Council approved 3 months averaging for each. But, there was no discussion of who the folks were and they didn't appear. I think more transparency is needed here.

d. Meter replacement project, item 9: After a hearty debate, the Council approved a bid from Ferguson for around $160,000 for electronic water meters. About two thirds of of this expense will be paid for by grant funds, and the remainder will be from a CD. Councilmember Holland initially appeared to oppose taking from the CD, but Councilmember Lindley appeared to offer up the necessary assurances that replacing the water meters was a longstanding project and it was worth doing so. I will be following up with more on the details of the meters, as it was clear from the discussions that they were going to offer some real water conservation features like digital notification of leaks.

e. Resident plan for landscaping, item 9: The Ibarra's didn't show up, and a few questions came up during the item where it would have been appropriate for them to answer. The Council approved. The Council did not discuss whether a waiver of liability had been signed.

f. Administrative report -The baseball field bleachers being hauled off turned out to be norm contaminated (naturally occurring radioactive material). Who knew? Probably the pipe donors years ago. We are in the thick of the oil industry in Irion County. This certainly raises a question about all the piping used for local governmental purposes within the city. Pipes are everywhere! -Some worthwhile offers are being considered regarding property along the railroad tracks. Discussions are preliminary.

A bunch of bright pink wild flowers.
Meadow Pinks growing along the street next the Live Oak pictured above. Mertzon has some nice roadside wild flowers during parts of the year. We are past due for a beautification project sponsored by the City.

Copyright 2024 G Noelke

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