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May 1 2023 Mertzon City Council Agenda

There are plenty enough reasons to hate Opuntia, but Cowboy Hill looks spectacular with its blossoms this year.


Below is the agenda for the May 1 2023 Mertzon city council meeting. Additional comments follow the agenda. This will be Mayor Taylor's last meeting as Mayor and as a member of the council.

The Transportation Code section that requires an ordinance to close or abandon a street or alley is 311.008. I discuss this law in this City Gym post and this Alley Oops post.

The Civil Practices and Remedies section I am referring to that prohibits adverse possession of public property is at section 16.030(b). I discuss this in my Alley Oops post.

The City Council and Irion County share the language on their agendas that remarks that attack character can be called out of order, and I can find no authority supporting this language. I can also find no other examples of this language on any other public entity agenda. If you are aware of the origins of this language, please contact me.

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