Below is the agenda for this meeting, and underneath that are my agenda analysis and meeting analysis.
A. Agenda analysis: 1. Item 12, Goals and timelines, Community Center: As my regular readers know, I typically don't address the goings on at the County Commissioner's meetings. (Here is my last post involving the County.) There are two reasons for that - my limited resources (this blog is a solo unpaid gig), and the County's property is not flooding me. Indeed, the County's property at the City Park is at a lower elevation and, like mine, is getting flooded by the same stormwater source as I am: Irion County ISD. So, this particular agenda item touches on a key part of my analysis about how our elected officials are addressing stormwater issues: our government is flooding itself. That is, stormwater from IC ISD is by design directed into city streets, with the acquiescence of the City of Mertzon, and ultimately reaches City Park, where 3 governmental bodies (IC ISD, City of Mertzon and Irion County) all share space. Thus, all 3 are stakeholders in controlling stormwater flooding. 2. Public comment, item 3: Note that the County allows for a 5 minute period per person for public comment. The City and IC ISD, in contrast, allow 3 minutes. The law, Texas Gov't Code 551.007, does not provide a specific time. It says that the governmental body is permitted to limit the time and that the time must be "reasonable". My experience is that governmental bodies use either 3 or 5 minutes as a standard. I prefer 3 because if I can't say what I need to say in 3 minutes I risk loosing the attention of the elected officials.
B. Meeting analysis
1. Pending
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