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First Sun Burst - Irion County School Board Audio

For my inaugural Sun Blog post see below for the link to my YouTube audio for the March 20, 2023 special called meeting of the Irion County ISD school board.

Here is a link to the meeting agenda. Setting aside all of the legalese, the agenda was written to specifically include the possibility of firing Superintendent Ray DeSpain.


I will be providing more detailed analysis of this meeting in due time. If after listening to the audio you are clamoring to know what really happened, then you are experiencing how this board has twisted open government laws and why you need to be front and center at their next board meetings asking them what in the heck is going on.

And, if you want more school board audios, please let me know. I have compressed a roughly 2 hour and 45 minute meeting into less than 2 minutes.

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© 2025 by George Noelke

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