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Blackout Happens as DeSpain Counts the Days for His New Job and ICISD Meets Again in Exec Session

Sun is the best disinfectant...

According to TexasISD, Irion County ISD is in search of a new superintendent...upon Gidding ISD's acceptance of Superintendent DeSpain as its new superintendent. KWHI Radio has also announced that DeSpain is the "Lone Finalist" for the Giddings job.

This certainly explains Irion County ISD's posting for yet another special board meeting this week, Wednesday, April 26 for the sole purpose of an executive session on personnel and to meet with their attorney. I have posted that agenda below. Technically, DeSpain is in the window under the law where nothing can be finalized for 21 days. That period appears to have started on April 12 or 13, if one considers Giddings ISD postings, so at the time of this posting, April 25, it is still ongoing.

TexasISD states that TASB Executive Search Services did the search for Giddings. Last year I copied TASB with a number of my issues concerning Irion County ISD and how it has mishandled the 2019 bond package. Surely everything has been fully disclosed to Giddings. But even TASB failed to open a dialogue with me on the issues I raised, the most significant one being whether anyone ever should be allowed to donate to a public school anonymously. (No!)

But this timing is indeed awkward. Maybe folks don't know?!

Right now is a good time to recall my message to be good to your neighbor found in my About page. The District, lead by Superintendent DeSpain and President Flores, has wholly dismissed me as its neighbor. Perhaps now folks wish they had at least invited me over for a cup of coffee and confirmed that they intended to work with me to protect my 110 year old home from being destroyed by the District's storm water runoff. In addition to this post, in the last 24 hours I have continued my journey for more sunlight with yet another open records request to ICISD, along with a log provided to them that spells out how they haven't responded to my last request and all the ones before. In an era of free ink, such things can be posted online in seconds, I am well aware, and could potentially impact the Giddings decision.

As a reminder about the seriousness of the impending floods to the football field that will be caused by City Gym, before their meeting I had initially planned to post a drawing of architect Jeff Potter. (Potter was the District's architect, and it is his plans that send storm water directly into the street from District property.) I have a page of his that shows exactly how many gallons per minute of water will be coming off the new City Gym and thus will be flooding the football field. Then I was going to convert that to acre feet of water. Yes, acre feet. But, I am reminded of the 2019 joint special meeting between the City of Mertzon City Council and the ICISD school board when ICISD Principal Jessica Parker spoke and asked her elementary students to stand. She then announced that she didn't need data I was saying the District needed about storm water runoff, her students were all she needed as proof that the gym needed to go on 4th street.

The 2019 bond has all along been about the students and, of course, their safety and security. Right? Or has it?

What to do, what to do? For today, I'll emphasize this: Be good to your neighbor. Be good to your neighbor. It's really that simple. When that water gap busts and cattle are everywhere, man is it a good idea to have been decent to your neighbor before the flood. Sometimes sharing a simple cup of coffee with your neighbor will do. My father taught me that at the ranch, and its something we all need to remember.

Below is the posting for Wednesday's board meeting. In my opinion, there has never been a darker day at ICISD. By reading this posting one could never know what was really going on. Total blackout. No sun. A deep infection.

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