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Add Tack Coat Washout to the List of Problems at the GMPL

Washed out Tack Coat at the GMPL after the rain.


When I saw ICISD's contractor picking up where they left off after it rained without reapplying any new tack coat, I began to wonder.

Request: ChatGPT, please write a 250 word essay on what could go wrong if the Tack Coat washes away when applying hot asphalt to caliche.


Title: The Consequences of Tack Coat Washout during Hot Asphalt Application on Caliche

Introduction (approx. 40 words):

Tack coat, a crucial adhesive layer, plays a vital role in promoting the bond between hot asphalt and the underlying caliche substrate. However, when the tack coat washes away during the application process, several detrimental consequences can arise. This essay explores the potential issues that can occur when the tack coat is not effectively applied or is washed away during hot asphalt paving on caliche.

1. Lack of Adhesion (approx. 70 words):

The primary purpose of the tack coat is to ensure strong adhesion between the hot asphalt and caliche surface. If the tack coat washes away, the bond between the two materials is compromised. As a result, the asphalt layer may fail to adhere properly to the caliche, leading to separation and delamination. This lack of adhesion weakens the overall integrity of the pavement, making it susceptible to cracking, rutting, and premature deterioration.

2. Reduced Stability and Durability (approx. 80 words):

When the tack coat is not adequately applied or washes away, the stability and durability of the asphalt layer on caliche are significantly diminished. The absence of proper adhesion can result in a loose and unstable surface, prone to shifting and deformation under traffic loads. This can lead to the formation of potholes, raveling, and the infiltration of moisture, further accelerating deterioration. The weakened pavement structure not only compromises safety but also necessitates costly and frequent repairs, reducing the overall lifespan of the road.

3. Safety Hazards (approx. 70 words):

The failure of the tack coat to adhere to the caliche can create safety hazards for road users. A weakened pavement structure increases the risk of skidding, loss of vehicle control, and accidents. Uneven surfaces and dislodged asphalt patches pose additional dangers, especially in wet weather conditions. The absence of a reliable tack coat compromises the overall safety and smoothness of the road, affecting the driving experience and potentially leading to increased accidents and injuries.

Conclusion (approx. 40 words):

Effective application and preservation of the tack coat are critical for successful hot asphalt paving on caliche. When the tack coat washes away, it results in poor adhesion, reduced stability and durability, and safety hazards. Proper tack coat application is essential to ensure a long-lasting, safe, and reliable road surface on caliche.


Below is the scene once they continued laying the hot asphalt on the washed out tack coat. The absence of the tack coat can be verified by the presence of the caliche top.

And below is the bid for the project to be paid by the taxpayers. Coincidentally, this bid was never voted upon by the ICISD board in open session.

This is a huge waste of taxpayer money! And it isn't going to be a one time cost either. There are going to be maintenance expenses with this parking lot. Those expenses are what earns it the title of Grand Mistake. There's no money in the ICISD budget currently set aside for parking lot maintenance.

The answer: depave the GMPL and replace it with a green space. It is that simple.

Watch for more updates on the GMPL.

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